Relieve Sore muscles with these five myofascial release tools

Maybe you are sore from a great workout, or maybe you’re sore from not moving enough. Whatever the case, these five tools for myofascial release will help to release your tight muscles.

Toe Spacers

Let’s start at your toes! Unless you spend a lot of time barefoot, your feet are weak, tight or both. Your feet absorb shock from the ground, and are meant to articulate as you walk. There are 26 bones and 33 joints in the foot. If your foot is tight or stiff in certain areas that area do not absorb impact then it has to travel somewhere else up the body. The impact can be absorbed by your ankles, knees, hips, back and all the way up your spine.

What do toe spacers do? They help with tightness between the toes. Our toes become squished together due to the shape of most shoes.

Peanut Massage Ball

These come in different densities which can be great depending on the area of the body that you want to work on. Many people prefer to have a softer roller especially if you are new to myofascial release. The peanut shape is great for that tight spot in between the shoulder blades.


Graston Tool

These tools are best if they can be used by someone else on you. Using these techniques you can promote lymphatic drainage which helps relieve sore muscles. Just like with any massage technique, you will want to use a lubricant in order for the tool to glide across the skin. Another great idea is to drink a good amount of water in order to help with the lymphatic drainage.

Tens Electromagnetic Stimulation Unit

I had no idea how affordable and portable a tens unit can be. As a teenager I went to a chiropractor and they used essentially the same tool on me. For about $30 at home you can have the same experience. I like to think of it as a portable massage chair. The unit linked to below includes both small and medium sized pads which you can use multiple times before buying replacements.



As with the Graston tools, these are generally something you will need someone else to assist you with application. These are great for application to sore back muscles. I would recommend only using a handful of cups at first, or you could experience a headache a few hours after application. You will also want to hydrate yourself adequately after application.