Is Pilates Right for You?


Check out my Online Pilates and Yoga Classes on Youtube!

Pilates? That’s just like yoga, right? Kind of! I see where the confusion comes from, both are shoeless and involve breathing. Pilates is more similar to weight training, except it is weight training for your postural and stabilizing muscles, including your core. It is adaptable for all fitness levels, many physical therapists use pilates in rehabilitation all the way to professional athletes who use pilates to tune up in the off season.

How do you know it is the right workout method for you? Pilates can help you reach your fitness goals including:

  • Getting Stronger

  • Gaining Flexibility

  • Improving your Posture

  • Reducing Back Pain

  • And let’s be real, you workout to LOOK GOOD and FEEL GOOD

The best way to sign up is to send an email to to schedule a time.


Individual Session: $50 for a 50 minute session